
Three whole years!?

I've been dating Josh for three years now. This is my all time favorite photo of us, and being the cute people that we are, we have lots of cute ones. I won't make you suffer through all that preciousness, don't worry. Tonight we're going out! What better way to celebrate than with Subway and Zombieland!? I have no idea, but I could not be more excited.

Earlier today my friend Julia's status on Facebook said, "Rent a Puppy!? Only at college!?" And of course I immediately looked into renting a puppy. Some fraternity was renting puppies from the humane society for a fundraiser, and I think it's basically the greatest idea ever. Josh, being the lovely boyfriend that he is, bought us thirty minutes of puppy playtime with this cute lil' fella. Yes, his picture is bigger than Josh's, so
what!? I wish I'd gotten a better picture, but camera phones are poor quality and puppies are squirmy. We named him Milo for the half an hour he belonged to us. He got lots of belly rubs and smiles. It was the greatest anniversary gift EVER.